Resolve to Save Time on Commission Management in 2022

by | Dec 15, 2021

No matter how many employees earn commission at your organization, commission management requires a lot of time and effort. Administrators may spend hours every day processing commissions at the end of each cycle. In 2022, cut that workload by 85 percent immediately. We can tell you how.

At most sales organizations, the individual responsible for managing commissions generally doesn’t do that full-time. So every time that person sits down to calculate splits, tiered rates, or hierarchical overrides, they have to relearn the process. Not to mention, they have to wade back through all those calculations to build reports for each payee.

With all the time you’ll save, you could take an extra vacation.

Core Commissions provides tools that make all of it just so much easier. Commissions processing goes faster and even becomes more accurate through our Managed Services program. Here are three reasons why.

Experienced Administrators

Our team actually manages commissions as a full-time job. We’ve also been doing this for over 15 years. We know our way around a commission structure and all the various rules and conditions that go along with it. The Managed Services team can support your existing team and help them navigate data sources and plan changes. Our administrators can also take commission processing out of your hands altogether.

However you choose to work with us, our software ensures that commissions are processed reliably and quickly.

Integrate Data Sources

Manually migrating data from one place to another can not only be tedious but it increases the chances of errors. That’s why an automated integration that populates that data at the click of a button.

The Core Commissions application integrates with any upstream or downstream data source. Whatever business system (or systems) you’re using to track sales or commissionable behaviors, we can connect it for you. We build custom integrations for each of our clients. It can operate however you need it to.

Autogenerated Reports

Once all the calculations have been done, the next step is creating reports. These reports inform payees how much they’re earning in commissions. Without an automated system like Core Commissions, this can add so much time to the commission process. An administrator might have to dig back through piles of spreadsheets to find all the calculations they need.

On the other hand, Core Commissions generates reports automatically. This means that we take your commission results and map them into reports that you can design yourself. You can also choose from a number of existing report templates. It saves time for our clients immediately. Some organizations may even choose to just subscribe to our Core Reporter package to get that autogenerated report experience right away.

If your New Year Resolution is to save more time in 2022, let us help you with that! Contact us for more information or set up a free demo. We’ll show you how Core Commissions saves time — and money — for organizations of all sizes.

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