What Managers Should Bring to Sales Performance Reviews

by | Oct 13, 2021

When performance reviews roll around, employees often worry about preparing for the meeting. However, managers also need to prepare just as much. A successful manager comes to a review ready to address previous performance indicators and to create a plan for success moving forward.

Someone considering how best to conduct a review might want to look over reports and metrics. These should provide insight into the employee’s performance as well as how they’ve contributed to the team’s performance and the overall company performance.

Good managers come prepared to a sales performance review with the right sales data and reports.

Luckily Core Commissions offers several reports and metrics that can help a manager’s preparation. Here are just a few stats and summaries to look over ahead of your employees’ reviews.

Individual Performance Report

Clearly, a manager must be well informed about their employees’ performance. Looking at how an employee met quota (or failed to, in some cases) allows management to gauge how they’re doing.

Digging into that individual’s stats and comparing them to predetermined goals will help the manager determine if the employee meets expectations. That’s a good jumping-off point for evaluating performance, obviously. But a good manager will take it a step further to consider how they can better support their team. Perhaps they need additional tools or require assistance to reach a goal.

Team Performance Report

Once a manager has a handle on how one individual performs, they’ll want to compare it to overall team performance. This helps identify whether a salesperson is keeping up with their peers who are working under similar conditions.

Knowing how the rest of the team performs occasionally motivates employees. For managers, it can also pinpoint where an individual needs to improve. Perhaps if they’ve been falling behind for an extended period of time, the employee may not be a good fit. On the other hand, if they’re outperforming their peers, they may deserve a raise and potentially a promotion. They could even be set up to mentor the rest of the team on their successful methods.

Sales Stats Over Time Compared to Previous Period

If a manager comes to a review with information about sales performance over time and a comparison to the previous period, they’ll know if an individual or the team has staying power. That means they can recognize momentum in a pattern of continued sales or a drop in sales growth.

In a review, the manager can use this information to coach individuals and teams to keep their sales up. It can also identify seasons or periods of low sales that teams should prepare for.

Revenue or Profit Growth

An individual salesperson and a sales team as a whole need to contribute to overall goals for the company. Depending on whether a company emphasizes revenue or profit, a manager will find value in those reports. Employees will as well.

When a manager meets with a salesperson to review performance and plan the way forward, a report on revenue and profit can provide perspective. It can also help employees envision how they fit into company-wide objectives.

These and many other sales reports can be generated automatically using Core Commissions. We’d be happy to show you how they can benefit you, your teams, and your entire company. Contact us for more info or set up a free demo and we’ll walk you through it.

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