Why You Need a Commission Solution That Scales

by | Oct 6, 2021

When a sales team starts out with one or two representatives, spreadsheets seem like a good solution initially. However, as that team develops over time, those same spreadsheets grow into a tangled mess. That’s why it’s important to implement a scalable commission management solution from the beginning.

Aside from being a problematic source of errors, spreadsheets won’t grow with your company. With every new pay period and each new employee, a new layer of complication joins what is probably already a very complex commissions plan. Not to mention, with every additional cell, the chance for a mistake increases.

Balance your commission management tasks by implementing scalable commission solutions.

If you still think you can get by with a few spreadsheets, here are three reasons to consider investing in a scalable commission solution.

Eliminate the Potential for Errors

By implementing flexible commission software to replace spreadsheets, you immediately minimize the margin for error. As we mentioned, spreadsheets cause so many errors when it comes to calculations. That’s because formulas can easily pull data from the wrong cells, columns can be hidden, or other details can simply be overlooked.

However, with Core Commissions, you can easily input formulas and trust that they will calculate the right data every time. The application even gives you the ability to check your work against previous reports to ensure everything is in order. Workflow functions also keep the possibility of human error low.

Save Time, Resources, and Money

Poring over numerous spreadsheets — that are constantly multiplying — can make a commission administrator’s job incredibly time-consuming. The mistakes that can be made in those spreadsheets cost money and the resources required to address the entire process drain your company of valuable resources.

Simply implementing Core Commissions cuts the time spent on commissions administration by 85 percent immediately. When you invest in the application, you save time for your people, money on mistakes, and you can keep all those resources focused on more important elements of your business.

Easily Adjust Commission Structure

Changing commission structure across a series of spreadsheets is complicated and difficult. Once again, you’re facing an increased likelihood of mistakes and disputes which could impact morale among the sales team. It will also suck up even more time and resources to confirm the change makes it to every relevant cell.

Instead of dealing with those spreadsheets, just input the structure change to the Core Commissions application and it will automatically apply to all relevant data. Then it’s just on you and your team to communicate that change to the sales representatives or other payees.

We’d be happy to help you adopt a more scalable solution for your commission calculations. Contact us for more information or schedule a free demo and we’ll walk you through the whole process. We can’t wait to see you toss out all those spreadsheets.

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