When evaluating how to pay a growing sales team, a straight sales commission structure is an option worth considering. In theory, this type of plan drives salespeople to close more deals but it fails to guarantee a regular paycheck, which sometimes scares off new...
Insurance agents earned a median salary of $50,940 in 2019. The highest paid 10% made upwards of $125,500, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The differences are largely made up of how much these agents or producers collected in insurance sales...
Business data flows through all manner of software and applications these days. Research shows that 91% of companies use an ERP tool while 74% have adopted a CRM by 2019. Between these and other types of applications that support business operations, integration...
In our Tales from the Sales Team series, we’ll cover actual concerns and questions from real salespeople about their paycheck and sales commission. “Why did my commission rate increase for just these last three sales?” – Deanna, a pharmaceutical sales rep After the...
Any organization’s sales commission plan inspires, motivates, and ultimately drives sales. In order to properly achieve all of those things, it needs to be managed well. Who can do it best? The right person to handle commissions has an eye for detail, a head for...